We Don't Want, We Need This International Wrestball League To Become An American Staple Right This Instant

You know it's hard to see a new sport and become interested. But this quick clip stopped me in my tracks. Wrestling and basketball? Okay, you have my attention. I mean, who cares about the lack of dribbling and jumpers, it's basically like SlamBall but way more aggressive. We've seen variations of this before: 

But now there's a full on league? You know how I become interested in something? The moment there's a league. The moment I see teams, stats, players, rivalries, all that stuff that we know in American sports. If we're going to keep trotting out 14 different football leagues, surely we can try this. I always say put shit like this on in the summer when there's no competition besides baseball and golf on the weekend. Make it a Sunday night event. 

Actually, one up it. Have actual wrestlers, I'm talking AEW/WWE guys, play this. You can tie this into storylines somehow and that's all entertainment anyways. Or have an AEW team, a WWE team and actual wrestlers team. Fuck it, just give us something like this where we see bodyslams instead of pick and rolls. Look at twinkle toes here in red. That man is nimble. 

Still not sure why there are refs there. Should be a call your own foul type thing if you ask me. Good luck getting a boxout in this league

Honestly think it's shocking to see an actual basketball block. Good timing! 

Bring it to America and let's blow this bad boy up. 

PS: Not exactly sure why guys are ripping their shirts off before tackles, but I get it. Sometimes you gotta blast some bare chest for appearance. 

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